Agriculture is the backbone of food security and economy of Nepalese people and over 80% percent of the population overwhelmingly depends on agriculture basically subsistence agriculture. Therefore scope of agriculture diversification is immense due to crop and geo-climatic diversity and surplus labor forces. FriPAD has been focusing on competitive commodity, which has comparative production and market advantage. The organization helps in promotion of cash crop that can be grown utilizing the surplus labors and increasing cropping intensity by mixed cropping. In this line, FriPAD has been focusing off-season vegetable production, fruit growing, NTFP production, bee keeping, poultry farming, pig and goat rearing, fishery and medical and aromatic plants promotion that have higher profitability than other conventional crops especially in mid hills and western terai regions of the country. In this regard, four agriculture based income generating projects have been accomplished covering more than 3 districts of Nepal namely Pantchthar, Taplejung and Chitwan and benefiting over 900 households. Another consultancy services on on-farm technical support service to rising income of small and medium farmers project is being implemented covering 17000 households in ten districts of mid-west and far-western development region with the financial support of ADB and Department of Agriculture (DOA).