Social Mobilization
The social mobilization process has been taken as one of the key components.The objective of the social mobilization is to create awareness among the community people (poor women, Dalits and other excluded portions of the society), help them to organize, empower for decision-making so that they can identify and prioritize their needs. It is also expected to build up capacity for preparation, implementation, operation and management of community subprojects to enhance their livelihoods. Hardcore poor, medium poor and poor are encouraged to organize into homogenous groups to ensure that the poor take decisions for themselves. Keeping the target communities at the driving seat, it encourages totake initiatives to improve their livelihoods, particularly organizing them into a local institution. These groups are formed with membership from the defined households during social assessment. In this regards, FriPAD has follow the process of social mobilization while implementing community development activities and two project on social mobilization has been successfully accomplished during this period. As a result water user association has formed and institutionalized in Piple VDC of chitwan district and four ward citizen forum (WCF) has been emerged in Bharatpur municipality where nearly 650 households benefitted from these activities.